
Collaborating with Mrs. Romains Kindergarten

Maggies Birthday!


O.D. Man came to visit us and dance with us after we finished our On Demand Writing last week!!!!  We did a wonderful job with our writing pieces!  Mrs. Crowe is very proud of us!


Science Experiment with Katelynn and her mom!

Katelynn taught us how to change a liquid into a solid.  We are getting so smart in 1st grade.

Funny Fruit Faces 2010

We had an exellent time today making our HEALTHY, FUNNY, and SILLY FRUIT FACES!  This was the final lesson  in our healthy "me" unit.  Everyone had a wonderful time!


Science Experiments!

We are having so much fun doing SCIENCE in our classroom.  Keighley and her family taught us all about volcanoes.  We are getting smarter everyday!


Maggie reading her story during the author celebration!

Anna reading her book at our AUTHOR CELEBRATION!

Tomie dePaola Author Study

We have been studying Tomie dePaola this week. Each week we will be focusing on an author.  We will learn about the author and use books by the selected author and our trade books to make connections.

100th Day of School

Celebration Time!

Happy Birthday Mrs. Romain


It's great to be back!!!!

It is great to be back in school!  All of my students are doing such a fine job this week.  I appreciate all of the time and effort you have shown.  Keep up the good work!  I am proud of each and every one of you!



I am sure all students enjoyed the 2 days out of school!  Am sure they TOTALLY enjoyed playing in the little bit of snow we had in McCracken County.  However, Mrs. Crowe is ready to get back in class with her wonderful 1st graders!   We have so much to learn- & let's all get excited about starting our Readers Workshop!  I cant wait- see you all very soon! 

Love you,
Mrs. C


Happy New Year!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days!!!!! 
XO XO XO from Mrs. Crowe


Ross, Nate, & Amy

Cookout with Coach Haskins, Crowe, and Ross!!!

We had a wonderful time at the cookout! Ross and Nate were so much fun and brought the Lone Oak Flash GOOD LUCK!!! Yeah! Go Flash!


School is fun! Just ask Kyler....

Kyler is working hard in 1st grade! 
Yeah KYLER!!!!!!

Working Hard!

Anna is doing her best in school!  She is an excellent student and a hard worker!

Pajama Day for the United Way!
